When I began middle school, I thought school would be a breeze. But somehow, it wasn’t enough to just have friends and good grades.
According to a new study, almost one out of three Americans have been arrested for a crime by age 23, a significant jump from 1965 when that number was reported at one out of five. Researchers say there are more rules and laws these days that can lead young people to get in trouble or arrested, which may explain the increase in the number.
Everyone knows that nowadays, money is hard to come by, and it can be even harder to keep it.
Hunger isn’t just a feeling in one’s stomach – it can be the want of many things. We asked our youth about their experience with hunger, and here are their replies.
Right now, college students are enrolling in courses for the spring semester and classes are scarce. This summer, lack of classes contributed to a scam at Fresno City College (FCC), when a group of students took a class from a phony teacher.