Wednesday, January 25 marked the end of a three day strike to protest a 9% pay cut to Fresno County employees. Talks of renegotiating the pay cuts have halted, which has prompted the SEIU union to protest.

In recent news, the Obama administration has gone against the FDA’s suggestion to lift age restrictions on purchasing and using the Plan B pill. This new decision will affect young girls everywhere.

My mother’s nicotine habit has been a tough one, seeing that she didn’t even stop for either one of her pregnancies, or when she found out that I had asthma.

When I began middle school, I thought school would be a breeze. But somehow, it wasn’t enough to just have friends and good grades.

According to a new study, almost one out of three Americans have been arrested for a crime by age 23, a significant jump from 1965 when that number was reported at one out of five. Researchers say there are more rules and laws these days that can lead young people to get in trouble or arrested, which may explain the increase in the number.