“Touched” In my lifetime, I’ve been fortunate enough to witness common phenomena. Lunar and solar eclipses, planetary alignment, the Halebop comet, earthquakes, shooting stars (and
[box_light]Facebook, school dances, and the latest fashion trend—you’d think that teenagers these days would spend most of their time obsessing over these things. But frankly,

On Saturday August 28, 2010, a crowd of people stood in front of the Fresno Art Museum, waiting for the doors to open. Kick Knowledge: A Night of Poetry and Spoken Word by Fresno Youth, was to start in exactly fifteen minutes.
In a letter to themselves, youth writers share what they wish they had known when they were younger Dear Maria, I’m leaving this letter in
I have been in situations where either I was judged or I judged someone before I got to know them. Honestly, judging is a natural