Disowning My Mother One of the struggles I have with my family is that my mom keeps running back to my stepdad and my mom’s
Author: The kNOw Youth Media
The kNOw works to support and equip young people with the journalism and advocacy skills they need to tell their stories and the stories of their communities.
In 2006, over 25 youth began participating in weekly after-school writing workshops where they congregated in the hallway of a two-story building in West Fresno and learned the essentials of creating media and telling their stories. The group evolved over the next five years and is now proudly recognized as The kNOw Youth Media.
Through our program, we create opportunities for our youth participants, who in turn create long-term positive change in their communities. Our approach weaves youth development and youth media innovation to produce our biannual youth publication, multimedia projects, and community forums.
The kNOw began as a project of New America Media, which was the country’s first and largest national collaboration and advocate of 2000 ethnic news organizations. In 2018 The kNOw became a project of Youth Leadership Institute.
Five youth talk about the struggle of maintaining family, from parents arguing, to families that are breaking apart, to fathers with two wives, to living through divorce, and all the painful impact that these issues can have on a young person.
Two-Way Mirror When I think no one is looking, I make faces that I think will be attractive to a guy. I remember one time,
Why is it that I always have to scribble things out/How come I don’t find words to describe what I’m about
Fixing Things My goals for 2010 are to gain all my mom’s trust that I lost from her, and other things. I want to get