The sad and recent stabbing and death of 15-year-old Nicolas Quiroz has deepened the vicious connection between youth violence and tagging. As many young writers in The kNOw point out, this is a cycle that requires immediate help or else it could worsen.
Author: The kNOw Youth Media
This editorial represents the views of the young people in The kNOw and was written by one of the youth participants. When you first hear

I gently took a bite of my pizza. An instant later pain spread throughout the right side of my face. It was sore and had begun to swell in a couple of places. Although the physical pain was completely bearable, it was discomforting and the events leading up to it were less than pleasant.
[box_dark] In a special series on self-injury, a young writer from The kNOw opens up about her addiction to cutting and its impact on her
[dropcap]Growing up[/dropcap] in my old neighborhood there were many horrible things such as drug dealers, drug abusers and a lot of other bad things. As