Join us in visual storytelling through the Pecha Kucha Night theme: Youth.
Author: The kNOw Youth Media

Noche Oaxaqueña was a fun-filled night of music, hip, hop, spoken word and open mic on Sept 6, 2012. The family event in downtown Fresno celebrated cultural heritage.

The kNOw Youth Media stumbled upon several pieces of media that question whether investing in college education is justified. We’ve linked stories from our youth, Newsweek and College@Home. Do you value college education in spite of the current economic crisis?

Moving out: Dream or Nightmare?
Most of the time I can’t wait to move out of my parent’s house and be on my own. I want to move out because I want to be independent, to have my own life, so I’m not living with my parents forever.

On Sept. 5, The Pat Brown Institute held a forum in at the Fresno convention center. The topic: School Discipline and the Future.