On June 27th The kNOW presented,”Flex Your Health – an event for youth by youth.” Several youth and community members joined in our conversation on how to improve fresh food availability in all areas of Fresno.
Day: August 1, 2012

Bright colors, long hard-hitting strokes and inspiration from an object can be found on many walls of Fresno’s Tower and Mural Districts. One of those murals is my favorite. It is of a woman surrounded by musical instruments as if she is pouring herself into the sounds of the instruments with captivating eyes. The viewer can only wonder what emotion the painter had in creating the art.

In the summer of 2011 I was pulled over at 11 p.m., but why? Did I run a stop sign and crash into another car? Or was it because I ran a red light? Apparently, the CHP that night wasn’t able to see my license plate so he pulled me over.

For pretty much all my life I wondered why I had so many different doctors. I’m not sure how many doctors I had, but I remember when I was younger I went to San Francisco for doctor visits twice a year. When I was 13 years old, it was at one of these visits that I found out I have HIV. They told me that when I was born, my mother, who also has the virus, passed it on to me.

As California’s fourth largest school district, Fresno Unified has recently begun revamped efforts to address its high number of school dropouts. The district is using approaches that involve listening to different individuals in the community, including experts in education-related fields and students. Several ideas have been suggested as to the cause of the high dropout rate.