Trust is a basic part of successful relationships, but maintaining trust isn’t always easy. Here, youth from The kNOw share their thoughts on trust.
Category: Lifestyle

“Facebook don’t need changes, man.” “Forget this, I’m deleting my Facebook account.”
Facebook has changed a lot in the last two weeks, and many of my friends are mad about it, as shown in their status updates.
This editorial represents the views of the young people in The kNOw and was written by one of the youth participants. Some schools in Fresno
[dropcap]Growing up[/dropcap] in my old neighborhood there were many horrible things such as drug dealers, drug abusers and a lot of other bad things. As
[dropcap]When I was eight[/dropcap] years old, my world was very small. Of course I didn’t know that back then; I did very few things and