Jane Carretero, recorded an audio diary about access to junk food in West Fresno.
Category: Community Health

Childhood obesity stops with the group of people who are trusted to raise them, the parents – and they need all the help they can get.

Sparked by state delegate Ray Canterbury’s (R-West Virginia) suggestion, “it would be a good idea…if kids work for their lunches”, his response to Senate Bill 663, The kNOw gathered youth reaction to what this policy would mean for students and especially those who depend on free school meals.

This week in Boston, terror struck our nation again. For youth, 9/11 is a distant memory, and the marathon bombings are a tragic and current reminder of the evil in this world. Here are impressions and responses from The kNOw youth as they process this tragedy.

Celebrate Cesar Chavez’s birthday to honor his hard work and accomplishments as a dedicated civil rights activist.