Recently on the 30th of December participants of the Idle No More movement in Fresno protested at Fashion Fair Mall.
Category: Arts & Entertainment

Justin Bieber was recently caught on camera using marijuana. Many young women that are big fans of him have taken his drug use seriously and are protesting to get him to stop. When I say ‘protest,’ large mobs of people with huge signs, posters and banners probably come to mind, but #CutForBieber is a different kind of protest.

Join us in visual storytelling through the Pecha Kucha Night theme: Youth.

A collaboration between Fresno Metro Ministry’s Community Garden Project and William Thao (an alumni of The kNOw Youth Media) is bringing murals to the Lowell

Bright colors, long hard-hitting strokes and inspiration from an object can be found on many walls of Fresno’s Tower and Mural Districts. One of those murals is my favorite. It is of a woman surrounded by musical instruments as if she is pouring herself into the sounds of the instruments with captivating eyes. The viewer can only wonder what emotion the painter had in creating the art.