Would you drink something with ingredients that you never heard of? This radio ad, part of the Soda Sucks campaign, tells the truth.
Author: The kNOw Youth Media

On July 1, the Los Angeles Unified School District stopped serving flavored milk. It’s the largest school district in the nation to do this, and now, Fresno Unified School District is deciding whether or not to do the same.

Tagging can be an artistic outlet, but it can also lead to violence. This video examines the many sides of tagging and how it can get out of hand.

I suppose soda is a bigger part of my life than I realized. In the stores, the soda aisle is so long. On the TV, ads of young adults playing on a beautiful, sunny beach, popping open a can of a sugary something and giggling away.

As I go in to the grocery store I notice that junk food is priced lower than healthier food. Some cereal and bread are highly priced at $3.96 to about $4.50, whereas most chips, noodles, and cookies are as low as seventeen cents to $1.98.