In this video clip, Eric Payne talks about youth involvement in community gardens.
Author: The kNOw Youth Media

I’m broke, hungry, and it’s lunch time at school! Being hungry at school makes me think about the benefits I can’t get because of my parents’ income.

For the past 5 years, the Susan G. Komen foundation (responsible for breast cancer research and awareness) has provided funding to Planned Parenthood. The funding provided breast examinations to low-income patients.

Alyssa, Angel and Daniella live in Merced. In this video, they show what their neighborhoods are like, and what they think should change to make them healthier places to live.

I would love to have a fun and spontaneous Valentine’s Day. If my boyfriend was in town, I’d love for us to be a able to hang out for the rest of the day. I’d be homework-free, he’d be able to borrow his brother’s car, and then we could spend time with each other to make up for the time lost.