John Alex is in a program that uses restorative justice and says through it, he was able to take responsibility for his actions.
Author: The kNOw Youth Media

“The best advice I can give is only to say, don’t hold back,” says John Gonzalez as he takes his student’s hand. John, 35, is a para-educator (aka special-ed teacher) at Sunnyside High School in Fresno. He tells me that out of his 35 years of living he never would’ve thought he’d end up where he is today.

On Nov. 6, Lawrence Jones shot and killed two co-workers, and then himself, at a meat processing plant here in Fresno. The shooting at the plant, Apple Valley Farms, is just the latest in a rash of gun violence in our city, and it hits close to home.

First time voters in Fresno, Calif. take to the polls
I think it’s important to have a say in politics Just because you’re a citizen doesn’t mean you’re not a politician. Everyone is their city should be a politician because everyone should be involved in their government. They can’t complain about anything, if they didn’t vote.

What message would an Obama defeat send to young people of color? And what message would an Obama victory send? The common thread that emerged in responses from young people in California was clear: Race and identity in American politics still mean a great deal. And although enthusiasm for Obama’s performance as president varied by individual, nearly every young person said that a defeat would be a setback, both psychological and material, for young people of color.