Youth Voice: When most of us think of schools we think nice, friendly, and most importantly safe environments. As time has progressed, we as a nation have come to realize that this is not true for all schools.
Author: The kNOw Youth Media

Three years ago, members of SUCCESS (Students United to Create a Climate of Engagement, Support and Safety) started working to make Fresno schools better through restorative justice. Because of their hard work, FUSD board members voted on May 8 to implement restorative justice practices in several Fresno schools. Watch the resolution, the vote, remarks from SUCCESS youth and see what the future holds for restorative justice in Fresno.

As the years progress we hear about more and more environmental disasters caused by humanity’s mistreatment of the planet. Just this year, droughts, Hurricane Sandy

This week in Boston, terror struck our nation again. For youth, 9/11 is a distant memory, and the marathon bombings are a tragic and current reminder of the evil in this world. Here are impressions and responses from The kNOw youth as they process this tragedy.

Data shows that one in 9 students are suspended nationally, with racial disparities widening. The Central Valley city of Fresno, CA. is among districts seeking to reverse this trend. Under a zero-tolerance school discipline policy, the district has long seen high numbers of both suspensions and expulsions. But in a major reversal last week, Superintendent Michael Hanson announced that he would begin funding district-wide restorative justice programs.