FRESNO– Over six months into their #OneHealthyFresno campaign, Faith in Community (FIC), hopes that the City of Fresno will take action against the urban blight
Author: Colby Tibbet
Lopez is just one of the 1.6 million undocumented residents in California struggling to find the means to pay for medical treatment. In Fresno County, the need for coverage is even greater; despite this, Fresno County is poised to deplete the funds for the Medically Indigent Services Program (MISP), narrowing the coverage options for undocumented Fresnans even further.
By Colby Tibbet, Beat Reporter FRESNO– Today was Earth Day. On California’s college campuses, students were handing out leaflets and screening documentaries in an effort
Hmong parents and community members gathered to weigh in on how FUSD should spend new funding. By the end of the discussion, the message was clear: a lack of translation services for Hmong speakers is the greatest barrier to that community’s engagement the school district.
Over 100 parents, students and community members came out to Edison High School to make their voices heard in the debate over how Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) should allocate new state education dollars to local schools.