“Anything can happen at any time.”
The bombing at the Boston Marathon shocked and scared me a lot. It was really sad and unexpected. I never thought that someone would set bombs at a marathon.
I was in the study room, joking around and having fun with my siblings, when I heard about the bombing. It made me sad and made me think about life, and appreciate life and enjoy every moment. I feel like our country may have the best army, police and other protection, but it’s not safe – there is no safe place. Anything can happen at any time.

This bombing was shocking. There have been many attacks lately, like the guy who shot the elementary students in Connecticut and the Colorado shooting at the movies. There are many criminals on the streets all over the United States due to the economy going down. I feel that there will be more attacks coming due to the criminals on the streets and terrorism is a huge problem in the United States. If people are not safe at marathons, schools and movie theaters, they won’t be safe anywhere.