“We shouldn’t have to live in fear”
Cloe, 18
The bombings that occurred during the Boston Marathon Monday is one of the saddest things that could have happened, especially now, during the current lifetime we’re living in. It’s hard to believe that someone could be so heartless, and not have compassion for those who were doing a positive thing (completing a goal – running a marathon) in their lives. I mean, we’re all human beings; we need to learn to put our differences aside and learn to help one another.
Many people believe that a terrorist group did it, or that Americans themselves did it to scare Congress and keep them from passing la reforma migratoria (I forgot how you say it in English).

I was here at The kNOw when I first heard about it. I didn’t fully comprehend what happened, because a lot of the information was still unclear from the reporters themselves. Once I got home though, I flipped the TV on to the 6 o’clock news and saw the nonstop coverage of the tragedy. It was really sad to have to accept the fact that innocent people died, and many others lost their limbs. It sparks up fear now, especially for the next time when planning to go to a huge or national public event. You’ll think twice about participating in it. Life shouldn’t be that way, we shouldn’t have to live in fear, and instead we should be more caring and help others achieve their goals.